Online Spanish Translation

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Wrapped with the regal heritage and modern popularity Spanish is a language with a unique aura. Originating as a Latin dialect in the provinces of Northern Spain it is now one of the major languages of the world. It is one of the official languages of USA and is the official language of many Latin American countries. So, Spanish translation is a vital phenomenon in today’s language world. Online Spanish translation adds a crucial momentum to the experience of language translation.

If speed is the defining facet of this new age then online Spanish translation only inserts a new tempo in the orb of Spanish translation. Enriched in idioms, folks and axioms Spanish language sparkles with its own glow. The job of online Spanish translators is the configuration of the distinct quality of the language in another unique language.

The page below depicts the names of five high quality online Spanish translation service providers

SDL International: This website provides services ranging from free to professional translation with a speedy, modern and automated translation engine.


Alta Vista: This site is the provider of a good online translation service encompassing various languages like Spanish, English, Russian and more.

World Ling:o This site provides accurate translation services online with innovative software and technologies.

CCTACO ELECTRONIC TRANSLATO: CCTACO offers a online English Spanish English online dictionary and makes online Spanish translation swift. You can enrich your knowledge with the resourceful language database.

Translation Translation Experts is rich in offers of competent language translation software and dictionaries and boast of a strong network of seasoned translators worldwide.

Spanish Bible Translation

Bible, the sacred canon, preaches humanity through its hallowed scriptures. Through the holy words of Bible we feel the presence of God with and within us. There are many versions of these consecrated texts in different languages. Spanish Bible translation is a rich repertoire and spans a wide time span. More about Translation Services UK


The first Bible translation in Spanish, “Reina Valera” appeared in 1569, published in Switzerland. An independent Evangelical, Casiodoro de Reina was the principal translator of this historical text. After that, Bible in Spanish translation went through myriad revisions, starting with the version published in Amsterdam in 1602 under the supervision of Cipriano de Valera. Worth mentioning is the 1960 Spanish Bible translation, based on Greek Textus Receptus and Hebrew Masoretic Text which later became the central text of the Hispanic Fundamentalists.

The page below verbalizes the names and addresses of five websites where you can get ample information on Spanish Bible Translation.

American Bible Society: They offer in-depth information on Bible and various facets of religion and life in general.

Reina-Valera: This wikipedia article presents a crisp summary of the history of Spanish Bible translations.

GOSPEL COMMUNICATIONS This site is well equipped to provide any information on numerous versions of Bible including Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, German, Swedish and more.

E-Sword: This site enables free download of different versions of Bible including Spanish Reina Valera, Spanish Sagradas Escrituras and Spanish Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos.

Bible This site is an amazing container of questions, answers and powerful insights on different versions of Bible including Spanish Bible translations.


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